Like you too, I’m not sure what to say sometimes so it’s nice that photography is there to fill in for me when I cannot. Having grown up skateboarding, snowboarding, skimboarding, surfing, playing soccer, football, and golfing you learn a lot about discipline, balance, timing, speed, creativity, integrity, and performance. As your awareness of these attributes grows as a player/participant, so does your sense of them in yourself and others. It’s said that awareness is like being on different planes in the same airspace.
“Looking down; Everything. Looking up; nothing. ”
As you rise in awareness, you can now see more of where you are and that from which you have come. Alongside and above this is space in you is that you cannot see yet. This infinite space is pure potential. It’s yours for the taking and where the magic happens. It’s where life is lived and actualized.
Developing as player, an artist, and a person is much the same thing to me. Show up early, do the work honestly, learn from your mistakes, celebrate your successes, and by all means keep going.
There is more to see for all of Us.
Book a session today…